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Defiance for Science! Strike – Starts TOMORROW

The Defiance for Science! Strike is underway. Great work to all members who have stepped up to volunteer as Strike Captains or co-Captains. CAPS leaders are so looking forward to your presence – your COLLECTIVE POWER will be put on display. 

Tomorrow, CAPS starts our first union-sanctioned, lawful job action – a strike for fair pay for State Scientists. 

Do not let possible scare tactics by your employer, your departments, or your chain of command stop you from participating and showing Newsom’s Administration that Scientists are striking back! 

So, show up for each other, show up for US. Show up for SCIENCE. 


Here is a continuously updated list of picket locations. Find your Strike Captain here. If you cannot find a Strike Captain at a location near you, reach out to a Contract Action Team (CAT) member. 

New Strike Hub Resources Available!


  • Join your union, CAPS, TODAY here.
  • Update your PERSONAL contact information here 
  • Sign up for our public email and text updates here

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