The Platform

Our core demands


CAPS-UAW has been meeting with the State to negotiate a new contract since 2020, before the pandemic.  We are going back to the bargaining table to work to remedy the pay inequities that resulted from decades of systemically ignoring and underpaying female-dominated units such as ours. 

CAPS-UAW is working toward a contract that closes the gender pay gap, provides competitive and equitable pay, support for working families, and livable wages for scientists throughout California.

Equal Value. Equal Pay.

CAPS-UAW is composed of approximately 54% female and 46% male State Scientists. State Engineers are approximately 75% male and 25% female. 

State Scientists and Engineers also perform comparable duties. However, on average State Scientists make 43% less than State Engineers, which equates to $37,462 per year.

Paid Family Leave and Support for Working Families

As of 2021, the gender pay gap in California state civil service is 14.6%. The gender pay gap is even larger when measured over the course of a lifetime, because women are often pushed out of time in the workforce after giving birth or providing care to family members, impacting career growth opportunities. A recent policy memo in the Journal of Science Policy & Governance highlighted that mothers are substantially more likely than fathers to leave STEM-related occupations following the birth of a child. Family caregiving is most often performed by women. State Scientists are demanding:

  • paid leave to care for family members
  • paid leave for non-birthing parents
  • paid baby bonding

Livable Wages for Scientists

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