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Impasse Broken and Bargaining Will Resume for CAPS UAW!

CAPS is now an affiliated Local of the International Union United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW. This week, your CAPS UAW Bargaining Team (CAPS UAW Team) met with our UAW International Representatives and attorneys to catch them up on everything that has happened at and away from the bargaining table over the last four years since we’ve been out of a contract. 

On Thursday afternoon, your CAPS UAW Team let the State know that we are ready to come back to the table, make new proposals, and resume bargaining, which we believe will help us reach an agreement. In light of these changed circumstances, impasse no longer exists.  We requested that the State not implement any terms at this time, but rather, allow the existing terms and conditions to remain in effect as we bargain a new contract.

The State agreed to pause the implementation of any terms, which was set to begin today, April 5, 2024. Our existing terms and conditions will remain in effect as we bargain a new contract.

Why are we going back to the table?

The bottom line is, the goal is to reach a fair contract. There are numerous ways to get there, but we can’t get there without being at the table. Your CAPS UAW Team expects the State to come to the table and bargain in good faith and we will be holding them accountable to do just that.

Your CAPS UAW Team also informed the State that their implementation plan appeared flawed and inconsistent with the terms found in the State’s Last, Best, and Final Offer that was presented to us back in December.  

By affiliating with the UAW as a Local Union, we now have access to new resources to assist with bargaining strategy and leverage. We have the support of UAW International Representatives (and members in other UAW Local Unions) who have experience bargaining for scientists/researchers in higher education, implementing successful contract campaigns and strikes against large powerful public employers like the University of California, and winning historic contracts. 

We now have new resources and circumstances have changed for our own union. 

It’s time for radical change, to reset our relationship with our employer, and to demand the respect and contract that State Scientists deserve. It’s up to us to reset the narrative. Our power to win a fair contract that includes pay equity for scientists hinges on the unity of CAPS’ membership. Our collective power is our ultimate tool for getting the contract we deserve.

What’s next?

Your CAPS UAW Team will be scheduling worksite meetings in the near future to talk about this strategy and what this contract campaign will look like, including engaging the Member Action Committee, Contract Action Team, and you and your colleagues! We need to continue pressuring the State and this Administration. The most direct way to do this now is to stay informed and get involved in your union!


  • Share your thoughts with your CAPS Team using this form. Your CAPS UAW Team reads every single message shared with us. 
  • Subscribe to our CAPS UAW Events Calendar using your personal email to stay up to date with upcoming CAPS events,  by selecting the “+” button on the bottom right of the calendar. 
  • Learn more about the CAPS UAW Contract Action Team (CAT) and become a leader in your worksite TODAY!

Your CAPS UAW Bargaining Team,

Jacqueline Tkac, Itzia Rivera, Steve Sander, Monty Larson, Anita Carraher, and David Rist

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