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CAPS Bargaining Update: Mediation Ends

After five days of mediation with the State’s team, your CAPS Bargaining Team (CAPS Team) attended what turned out to be our final session yesterday with the State’s Team, led by the Public Employee Relations Board (PERB) mediator. The State’s team communicated that they would like to present their Last, Best, and Final Offer (LBFO) to your CAPS Team next week. Read more about Bargaining Procedures here.

CAPS and the State remain at impasse.  Any LBFO imposed on Unit 10 does not relieve the State or CAPS of their obligations to bargain in good faith, should circumstances change. 

For years State Scientists have asked for one simple thing: equal pay for equal work and the restoration of our logical, standard, salary relationships granted to every other bargaining unit within State civil service. Your CAPS Team is committed to a fair contract that VALUES State Scientists.

Your CAPS Team will continue to work closely with our attorneys, legislative advocates, and all related committees to plan our next steps. Watch for updates from your Member Action Committee (MAC) on upcoming actions. Whether we win or lose this fight depends on you, your colleagues, and the strength of our collective will to build power, intensify, and continue to push this Administration for a fair and equitable contract.

Stay tuned for additional updates. 

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