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Bargaining Update and Call to Action – RALLY This Thursday!

Your CAPS, UAW Local 1115, Bargaining Team (CAPS-UAW Team) met yesterday evening to strategize and prepare for upcoming bargaining sessions. 

At last Thursday’s (5/2) bargaining session, the State expressed a desire to revisit all sections of the contract and start negotiations from the very beginning. Your CAPS-UAW Team held firm in our position that we will resume negotiations from where we left off pre-impasse and that previous tentatively agreed-to sections (TA’d sections) should remain as such. After conferring with their legal team, the State conceded to your CAPS-UAW Team’s position! The years of work your CAPS-UAW Team has put into securing this contract has prevailed! We look forward to ongoing negotiations on the outstanding sections of our contract from 2023 – you can view them here. The next bargaining session is scheduled for Tuesday, May 14, and your CAPS-UAW Team is working to have members of the Contract Action Team (CAT) observe again.

As your CAPS-UAW Team negotiates these few remaining sections of our contract, it is critical now more than ever that you be visibly and audibly engaged in actions (e.g., rallies, email campaigns, etc.). When you support your CAPS-UAW Team on the ground, your CAPS-UAW Team is better able to support you at the table. See below for more information about our Make it Fair rally THIS THURSDAY.

We have more good news – your CAPS-UAW Team has a direct email address! You can reach us anytime by replying directly to these emails or emailing us at Emails to this email address will go directly to all members of the bargaining team (listed below)! Any issues not related to bargaining should still be directed to In light of your CAPS-UAW Team’s new email address, the Bargaining Feedback Form will be decommissioned. Your CAPS-UAW Team members look forward to talking with you all!

Lastly, your CAPS-UAW Team is still working to schedule a time to meet with the membership and develop a format that provides improved opportunities for member engagement and participation, so we can hear and discuss your thoughts, needs, and concerns. Stay tuned for more information.

Give us a shout at!


West Steps of the Capitol, 1315 10th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814

Walk-party locations and departure times:

Join a walk-party to walk from your worksite over to the rally in solidarity with your fellow State Scientists. Let’s arrive together as a sea of green. Feel free to join any walk-party, but the three locations below will have walk-party leads from the listed agencies/departments. If you want to lead your own walk-party to the west steps of the State Capitol, sign up here today!

CDPH – Meet at 11:55am in front of 1616 Capitol Ave. (Bld. 173) (1616 Capitol Ave., Sacramento, CA  95814)

CNRA – Meet at 11:55am in front of 715 P St. (under the big ol’ tree) (715 P St., Sacramento, CA  95814)

CalEPA – Meet at 11:55am in the front courtyard of CalEPA building on I street (1001 I St., Sacramento, CA  95814)

Need a ride to the rally, or have room in your car?Click on this carpool sheet for a member-led carpool option!

Looking for a place to park? This spreadsheetcontains a list of parking garages near the Capitol. Parking lots closest to walk-party start locations are noted in yellow highlight.

In solidarity, always,

Your CAPS-UAW Bargaining Team

Jacqueline Tkac, Itzia Rivera, Monty Larson, Anita Carraher, Steve Sander, Tiffany Kocis Richardson, and Justin Garcia


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