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CAPS’ Strike: Defiance for Science! Support Striking Scientists – Locations released

CAPS remains at impasse with an unmovable administration: State Scientists are owed a fair contract that provides equal pay for equal work, addresses our most pressing issues, and VALUES Scientists! 

The CAPS Bargaining Team has called for a three-day strike on November 15, 16, and 17, 2023, stand with scientists!  Below is more information on how YOU can support striking scientists and the strike schedule! 

November 15, 2023: All Rank-and-File Unit 10 Scientists who work in CAPS District 3 (zip codes 95600 – 95894) which is located in the Sacramento area are on strike and shall withhold their labor – 

  • The picket line for all District 3 scientists will be at the CalEPA Building (1001 I Street, Sacramento)

November 16, 2023: All Rank-and-File Unit 10 Scientists who work in CAPS Districts 1 (zip codes 90000 – 93199), 3 (zip codes 95600 – 95894), and 4 (zip codes 94003 – 95005), and State Scientists at the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board and the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board Northern Field Office listed below are on strike and shall withhold their labor- 

  • District 3 scientists will continue to picket at the CalEPA Building (1001 I Street, Sacramento)
  • District 1 scientists will picket at multiple locations, including Junipero Serra Building (320 4th St, Los Angeles)*
  • District 4 scientists will picket at multiple locations, including Oakland State Building (1515 Clay Street, Oakland)*
  • The North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Rosa at 5550 Skylane Blvd STE ASanta Rosa CA 95403 and Eureka Northern Field Office at 930 6th Street Eureka, CA 95501 and picket

*Strike Captains and Picket Locations Available here:

November 17, 2023: ALL STATE SCIENTISTS ON STRIKE. All Rank-and-File Unit 10 Scientists are on strike and shall withhold their labor. with picket lines at their respective worksites.  

  • District 3 scientists will continue to picket CalEPA (1001 I Street, Sacramento)
  • District 1 scientists will continue to picket at multiple locations, including Junipero Serra Building (320 4th St, Los Angeles)*
  • District 4 scientists will continue to picket at multiple locations, including Oakland State Building (1515 Clay Street, Oakland)*
  • The North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Rosa at 5550 Skylane Blvd STE A Santa Rosa CA 95403 and Eureka Northern Field Office at 930 6th Street Eureka, CA 95501 and picket
  • District 2 and 5 scientists will picket their respective worksites.

*Strike Captains and Picket Locations Available here:

Stand up and join us! It is time for Unit 10 scientists to show their collective power!   

CRITICAL: Take Action to Show YOUR Support.

Post about CAPS’ upcoming strike on social media using our social media tool kit and the hashtags #ValueScientists #DefianceForScience #ScientistsStrikeBack:

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