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Stand with Scientists

Take Action!

How to Support State Scientists

Stand with the over 4,400 rank-and-file State Scientists who protect the public from life-threatening diseases, safeguard our wildlife and abundant natural resources, ensure the safety of our food, and protect our air and water from toxic waste and pollution! 

Here are some ways to show your support for CAPS in our ongoing fight for a fair contract.

Sign the Photo Petition

Let the Governor and his Administration know that our membership stands united in demanding a fair contract that ends the gender pay gap NOW! Take 30 seconds to add yourself to our photo petition! Hundreds of your fellow State Scientists have already signed on! Once a majority of rank-and-file scientists sign on to the photo petition, your Contract Action Team (CAT) will publish it and show this administration what collective power looks like! Our power is in our participation, so please take action today!  

Strike Hardship Fund Donations:

A GiveButter campaign has been established for folks to collect donations. This is the only official CAPS GiveButter Strike Hardship Fund campaign from the union. Please only share this link as this is verified and connected to the CAPS accounts:

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