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Great Showing at the Union Solidarity Rally

On Saturday, November 18, 2023, over 1,200 State Scientists and our supporters attended CAPS’ Union Solidarity Rally and March outside of the California Democratic Party (CDP) Fall Endorsing Convention from 12pm to 1:30pm in the rain – and what a turn-out it was!

The Rally included speakers starting with CAPS’ President, Jacqueline Tkac, followed by a myriad of legislative supporters including (in no particular order): California State Assembly Members Reyes, Ortega, Kalra, and McKinnor; and California State Senator Cortese. Speakers also included California Labor Federation Executive Secretary-Treasurer Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher; Sacramento Mayoral Candidate Dr. Flo Cofer; Candidate for Governor of California Betty Yee, CalPERS Board Member and Candidate for State Senate Lisa Middleton, Oakland City Council Member Dan Kalb, CAPS Secretary Hannah Johnson, CAPS District III Director Esther Tracy, CAPS Member Deana Clifford, and Candidate for California State Assembly District 6, Paula Villescaz. The program was also capped off by the musical talents of Davey Stache and the Sacramento Mandarins.

Once the speeches were delivered, the crowd marched for State Scientists from the SAFE Credit Union Plaza down to the Memorial Auditorium and back again. CDP delegates, legislators and candidates, unions, and other allies of State Scientists all attended to advocate for the important work that State Scientists do for California.

Great work to everyone that spent their Saturday supporting CAPS! A special thank you to the CAPS members who volunteered to leaflet Friday and Saturday at the Convention. If you have any photos or videos that you captured at the Rally, please share them with CAPS by uploading them here:

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