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THIS WEEK: Strike School Series Parts 1 & 2

Strike School Part 1 (new dates!): Organizing for Power Tuesday, July 16 & Wednesday, July 17, 6-8 PM. All rank-and-file scientists are encouraged to attend.

TODAY: Register to attend Tuesday, July 16, 6-8 PM here

Register to attend Wednesday, July 17, 6-8 PM here

Strike School Part 2 (new material!): Power Analysis and Strike Readiness July 18, 6-8 PM. (Previous Part I attendance is strongly encouraged.)

Register to attend Thursday, July 18, 6-8 PM here

Our strike school curriculum features a multi-part sequence of classes. The material in Part 2 will build off the material covered in Part 1. Please attend any session of Part 1 before attending Part 2. All of the topics listed below may not be covered at every session, so it’s strongly encouraged that you and your colleagues attend each part of the series.

More Strike School Part 2 dates will be announced soon – stay tuned!

What to Expect During the CAPS-UAW Strike School Series: 

  • Understanding Strikes: Learn the history, purpose, and impact of strikes in the labor movement.
  • Member Organizing: Techniques for engaging and rallying your fellow union siblings! 
  • Power Analysis: Assess our strike readiness, together!
  • Strategic Planning: Develop strategies for organizing and executing a successful strike.
  • Legal Framework: Gain insights into the legalities surrounding strikes and collective bargaining.
  • Communications: Effective communication tactics before and during a strike.

Why Attend?

  • Equip yourself with essential strike knowledge and tools to be prepared, should circumstances warrant.
  • Connect with fellow scientists and strengthen our solidarity.
  • Be part of assessing our strike readiness and strategizing what the future of our fight for a fair contract looks like. 

Only rank-and-file State Scientists are eligible to attend CAPS-UAW Strike School.

Let’s come together to strengthen our resolve and prepare for any challenges that may be ahead, should circumstances warrant. Your participation is crucial in building a powerful and united front.

Visit for more information!

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