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Reminder and Registration for Tomorrow’s CAPS-UAW Board Meeting

CAPS-UAW Board of Directors Meeting, tomorrow, Saturday August 24

This is the last reminder to pre-register for tomorrow’s Board of Directors’ meeting, scheduled for Saturday, August 24, 2024, commencing at 9 a.m. 

All members are welcome to attend virtually, via Zoom. You must pre-register to attend the meeting. Register to attend here

See the finalized Agenda here (note there were some updates since originally published).

And a reminder that the TA ratification vote closes today at 5:00pm. If you are a rank and file member, and haven’t voted, there is still time, vote by 4:59pm. An email will be sent announcing the results soon after the close of the vote!

In Solidarity, 

Your CAPS-UAW Board of Directors

Jacqueline Tkac, President (she/her)
Environmental Scientist, Central Coast Water Quality Control Board

Rae Vander Werf, Vice President (they/them)
Environmental Scientist, State Water Resources Control Board

Itzia Rivera, Treasurer (she/her)
Senior Environmental Scientist (Specialist), California Water Commission

Hannah Johnson, Secretary (she/her)
Research Scientist II, California Department of Public Health

Mia Roberts, Director at Large (she/her)
Senior Environmental Scientist (Specialist), California Department of Fish and Wildlife

Laura Radke, District I Director (she/her)
Senior Environmental Scientist (Specialist), California Department of Toxic Substances Control

Alex Rangel, District II Director (she/her)
Senior Environmental Scientist (Specialist), California Department of Transportation

Esther Tracy, District III Director (she/her)
Senior Environmental Scientist (Specialist), California Department of Water Resources

Robert Haerr, District IV Director (he/him)
Environmental Scientist, California Department of Public Health

Monty Larson, District V Director (he/him)
Senior Environmental Scientist (Specialist), California Department of Fish and Wildlife

Daniel Ellis (he/him), Supervisory Director and Supervisor Committee Chair
Senior Environmental Scientist (Supervisor), Central Coast Water Quality Control Board

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