Ratification Resources

The vote will be open from Monday, August 12 through Friday, August 23. Only union members will be able to participate in the vote. If you are not a member yet, sign up to join here.

Your Bargaining Committee and the elected rank-and-file CAPS-UAW Board unanimously recommend a “Yes” vote on this tentative agreement as it includes major advances in terms of compensation, gender equity, healthcare, worker rights, and more. Read the full total tentative agreement here. See summary of highlights of the agreement here.

Friday, August 2, 2024, your Bargaining Committee reached a tentative agreement with the State on a new contract. Now, rank-and-file Scientists will vote on ratifying the contract.

The vote will be open from Monday, August 12 through Friday, August 23. Only union members will be able to participate in the vote. If you are not a member yet, sign up to join here. If you are not a member, you must sign up by 5pm Thursday, August 22 to participate in the vote.

Solidarity Breaks Calendar

CATs (state scientists and union members like you on the Contract Action Team) will be hosting worksite meetings and solidarity breaks in light of the TA and the upcoming ratification vote. These gatherings will be an excellent opportunity to talk about the TA with fellow scientists, and discuss your questions. Keep an eye out for communications about those meetings and the Solidarity Break Calendar.

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