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Photo Petition Zoom Background in this Bargaining Update

Your CAPS UAW Bargaining Committee passed a counter proposal package containing the following sections:

  • 2.1 Salaries:
    • This proposal would guarantee everyone in our Bargaining Unit gets three raises  via Special Salary Adjustments (SSAs) in July 2024, July 2025, and July 2026. This is in addition to the Merit Salary Adjustments (MSAs) for those who are eligible to receive them. See more detail in the table below. 
  • 2.13 One-Time Retention Payment:
    • A one-time payment of $3,500 for all State Scientists, and a one-time retention payment of $500 for CAL FIRE, CDPH, and DHCS Scientists.
  • 2.25 NEW – Classification Review:
    • The State proposed an audit of duties performed by Unit 10 Scientists in a few classifications and departments.
    • We developed a counterproposal to clarify the intent of the audit and delivery timing. 
    • Although this audit may not address many of our core issues, such an audit can be helpful in future enforcement of our contract when it comes to out-of-classification work, and will provide data helpful to further our bargaining goals.

We are in conceptual agreement with the State on sections 2.18 Geographical Pay differential, 2.19 Longevity Pay, and 5.1 Health, Dental, Vision. View other proposals we’ve passed and TA’d here.

The State indicated they will respond to our counter proposal package tomorrow. We are scheduled to meet with the State again tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday this week. 

  CAPS July 31 Proposal

Type of IncreaseFirst Salary Increase Second Salary Increase Third Salary Increase
SSA for employees not at Top StepAll Groups: 4% All Groups: 3.5%
All Groups: 3%
Top Step SSAGroup 1: 5% Group 2: 11% Group 3: 12% Group 4: 13%Group 1: 5% Group 2: 4% Group 3: 7% Group 4: 9%Group 1: 5% Group 2: 3% Group 3: 2% Group 4: 6%

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