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Defiance for Science! Strike – Final Day TOMORROW

The Defiance for Science CAPS-sanctioned Strike saw its biggest day yet – the end count of folks at the Sacramento picket today was 1,277 Scientists and supporters who marched, rallied and chanted around the CalEPA Building in Sacramento. Hundreds of additional scientists did the same at their worksites in Districts I and IV today. 

The message continues to be loud and clear: this Administration needs to #ValueScientists! 

You are engaging in a union-sanctioned, lawful job action. When your worksite is on strike, you should continue to tell your supervisor, “I am on strike!”

Tomorrow marks the final day of our strike, but the work won’t stop there. Be sure to also show up at the union solidarity rally and march outside the CDP Convention this Saturday, November 18. Sign up to RSVP or better yet, volunteer for duties to support CAPS at the rally: and Remember, the rally is not a picket. Show up and get ready to hear speakers such as Assembly Members Ortega, Kalra, McKinnor; Senator Cortese; Sacramento Mayoral Candidate Dr. Flojaune Cofer; and California Labor Federation Secretary-Treasurer Lorena Gonzalez! Get loud, get proud, and let’s march!

Great work over the last two days – let’s show up UNITED tomorrow! 


Here is a continuously updated list of picket locations. Find your Strike Captain here. If you cannot find a Strike Captain at a location near you, reach out to a Contract Action Team (CAT) member. 

New Strike Hub Resources Available!


  • Join your union, CAPS, TODAY here.
  • Update your PERSONAL contact information here 
  • Sign up for our public email and text updates here

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