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CAPS rank-and-file Board of Directors Authorize Strike Authorization Vote


Highlights in this update:

  • CAPS Board of Directors Authorizes Strike Authorization Vote
  • Voting Details
  • CAPS Continues Bargaining for YOU
  • Come to the Rally!

In a historic move to further ensure the State understands the seriousness and gravity of the issues facing Unit 10 and that all possible pressure points can be applied at the Bargaining Table, the rank-and-file members of the CAPS Board of Directors met this past weekend and those who were present unanimously voted in favor of a Strike Authorization Vote. A Special Meeting of the Board of Directors was held this past weekend on August 26, 2023, where the rank-and-file members of the CAPS Board of Directors voted unanimously to conduct a strike vote of the membership, and provided your CAPS Bargaining Team the authority to conduct such a vote.

The rank-and-file CAPS Board of Directors, who were present, and CAPS Bargaining Team urge all CAPS members to vote YES to authorize a strike.

The strike authorization vote does not mean the union is currently calling a strike. Your CAPS Bargaining Team is currently at the table, continuing to negotiate in good faith with the State of California. This vote, on whether or not CAPS Members authorize a strike, empowers your Bargaining Team to initiate a strike if the State doesn’t reach a fair deal and impasse is reached.

Voting Details Released on Voting information will be sent to eligible members on August 29, 2023, and the final deadline to vote is set for September 1 at 8 a.m. PDT A third-party vendor, BallotPoint, has been contracted to hold the strike authorization vote for CAPS. Members will be provided a ballot to their personal email addresses on file. Be sure to update your personal email here: 

Encourage scientists who aren’t already members to join CAPS ( as soon as possible to ensure they are able to vote YES. Nonmembers must join CAPS prior to August 31, 2023, if they would like to be a part of this vote.

Your Bargaining Team Represents YOU. Your Bargaining Team knows that your demands are the priority at the table. CAPS is doing everything we can, both at, and away from the table, to ensure the best possible contract is reached, as soon as possible. You read last week about CAPS’ sign-on letter from State legislators; the California Democratic Party Resolution, sent to the Governor, the Speaker Pro Tempore, and the Speaker of the State Assembly; and where we stand at the table. Your Bargaining Team is working hard for you.

How Can You and Your Colleagues Help? 

  • COME TO THE RALLY! Join your fellow State Scientists in a picket outside of CalHR on Wednesday, August 30, 2023, at noon (1810 16th Street, Sacramento, CA 95811), then march to the Rally on the West Steps of the State Capitol (10th Street, between N and L) by 1 p.m. where we will be joined by current and former state legislators! Come out to tell the Administration yourself just how important this contract is to you!  RVSP here.
  • GET LOUD on social media in support of your Bargaining Team! Support your Team by telling the Governor and his representatives at CalHR and the Department of Finance to bargain a fair contract that includes equitable wages for State Scientists! Be sure to showcase the CAPS Green in your post, if you can! You can also share the Legislative Sign-On Letter or the Democratic Party Resolution in a post! Tag @capsscientists in your posts on Instagram, Twitter/X and show your support for your Bargaining Team. See the Social Media Toolkit on the CAPS Website HERE for ideas on how to do this.
  • TALK ABOUT IT. Talk to your colleagues about what’s been presented. Join the CAPS Bargaining Forum. Tell your Bargaining Team what you think!

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